What you’re about to do could change a child’s life forever.

Get involved
Donate and give an eternal impact on the life of countless children that will carry on for generations to come.
Your donation will go to support Grain of Wheat’s work around the world.
For USA transfers :
Please make checks payable to:
Grain of Wheat Int’l Inc.
P.O. Box 1125, Wheaton, IL 60187
For wire instructions please contact:
Lisa Hansen
Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs – 9 – 3
Office: 630-871-6863
For EUROPE transfers :
Fondation Le Grain de Blé International
Jura-Rosaly 3
1338 Ballaigues
IBAN (PostFinance) CH72 0900 0000 1748 7675 5
Payment by UK Bank transfer
Grain of Wheat (UK)
Sort Code 40-03-21
Account number 62104199
Payment by Cheque
Rob Hallam, Treasurer Grain of Wheat (UK)
5, Shearwater, Orton Wistow
Peterborough, PE2 6YW