Dear friends,

As I wrote in our first newsletter, this year we are focusing on the challenges facing our teams around the world. This time we try to share something about trauma. What is it, how do children respond to it, and how does God work through our people to heal children or help them live with their trauma? This is a very complicated subject and requires a lot of patience and faith in a loving God. Of course, children in every culture face traumas, but as you can imagine, some traumas interfere with a child’s life more than others. So, it always requires an understanding of culture and language to reach out to a traumatized child. This also means that we must have some knowledge of trauma before we can work with traumatized children. Despite these important issues, we serve an almighty God who can do far beyond our prayers and thoughts! So let us pray for all the children around the world who are traumatized.

Thank you for your partnership. God bless you.

Rob Hondsmerk

CEO Grain of WheatInternational